Volunteer Trainer Program

 WRF Volunteer Trainer Training Program


WRF Trainer Training Program

Bill Flocco taught the World Reflexology Foundation’s first volunteer trainer training program in Anaheim, California, during May and June of 2009.  Participants (all certified Reflexologists) attended two weekend workshops, for a total of 28 hours of instruction.

Over the years the WRF has conducted several trainings throughout Southern California with Master Trainers Bill Flocco and Stefanie Sabounchian. So far 47 Reflexologists have completed the WRF Volunteer Trainer Training and the training has been expanded to five days.


2018 Volunteer Training Group

The Training:
How To Teach Volunteer Self-Help Reflexology Workshops

The first two days of training focus mainly on Self-Help Reflexology based on the WRF Self-Help Reflexology Workbook.   It includes a brief introduction to the history of Reflexology as well as the concepts of zone theory and the development of hand, foot and ear maps.  The workbook is also an easy to use reference guide describing reflex point locations for several of the most common areas of discomfort in the body.  Following the rules of integration, useful diagrams advise students where to work first, second and third for the particular issue in question.   All of the participants found the review of reflex points and the general rules of integration helpful.

The third and fourth days see participants learning how to teach the material covered during the first two days, a first for many of these Reflexologists!   They discovered the joys and complexities of teaching reflexology using the WRF Trainer’s Manual — a workbook created by Bill Flocco that includes lessons on group dynamics, different learning styles, warm-up exercises, strategies for handling questions, disruptive or special needs students as well as incorporating visual aids.

On the fifth day, participants practice-teach for a part of the body, such as neck, colon, brain (headaches), etc., using lecture, visual aids, demonstration of reflexology techniques for both Self-Help (working on another person), and guided practice.   At the end of their presentation, each participant will be given verbal and written feedback from their peers, as well as from a WRF Proctor.

After completion of the first five days of training and upon returning home, volunteers are then expected to contact family members, local church groups, service clubs, retirement communities, service foundations, etc. to set up two workshops in their area within two months’ time.  This is then followed by a last full day of WRF Trainer Training conducted simultaneously in person and via Zoom.

Once completed, this group of participants become WRF Volunteer Trainers.

For further information, contact us at (818) 754-4777



The WRF does not Teach Vocational Reflexology

Anyone wanting to get certified in reflexology in order to teach as a professional should explore finding reflexology training programs or schools that operate under the laws that govern vocational schools within their state or country.

